Aztec High School Facilities
Aztec High School is located in the Northwestern section of New Mexico just off of Highway 550. Located in the Four Corners region and San Juan County, Aztec High School is centered in the Small Town of Aztec New Mexico with a population of about 7,000.
Visiting our school? Here are a few things you should know...
Aztec High School Main Campus and MPR
500 E. Chaco Ave, Aztec
LillyWhite Gym - 403 Zia Street
Parents/Guardians are always welcome at AHS. We ask that they make an appointment to see a teacher or to visit a classroom by calling the office. (505) 334-9414
1. The school policy is to accept only those visitors who have legitimate business at the school.
2. All visitors shall, as required by law, check in with the Safety Team either at the Welcome Center or entrance to South Campus.
3.They must show a valid ID and inform the Safety Team of the purpose of their visit. Visitors must sign the Visitor's Sign-in Sheet when arriving and leaving the campus. The Safety Team will give the person a pass to be on campus. Any individual found on campus without such pass shall be asked to report to the Welcome Center and secure a pass.
4. Small children should not be brought to school.
5. Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school without prior approval from an administrator.
6. Any person found on the school grounds without permission is trespassing and is subject to arrest by authorities.
Aztec High School has multiple campuses. If you are coming to the Main Office (Principal, Registrar, Attendance, General Information, our Main Campus is located at 500 Chaco Ave. The Visitor Lot is located at the end of the cul-de-sac. If you are coming for a play, concert, or other activity in the MPR (Multi-Purpose Room), you will use the same entrance.
If you are coming for a basketball game, volleyball game, or wrestling match at the LillyWhite Gym, the address is 403 E Zia Street, Aztec NM. It has a separate entrance than the main campus.
Activities may also be held at Tiger East. 1301 old Spanish Trail, Aztec, NM. Here you will find soccer and softball fields.
Fred Cook Stadium at 455 N. Light Plant Rd, Aztec, NM is our home of Tiger Football, Baseball, some Soccer, Track and Field, and more. Please see the Activities and Athletics Director for information on games and activities.

Fred Cook Memorial Stadium
at Koogler Middle School
1600 Lydia Rippey Road
Tiger East
1300 Old Spanish Trail