Board of Education
Board Meeting Link - April 3, 2025
Role of the Aztec Board of Education
The role of the Aztec Board of Education is to set policy and the role of the administration is to execute that policy. The Board performs the following basic functions necessary to the discharging of its responsibilities: legislative, executive and appraisal.
The legislative function is the policy-making aspect of the school system. It is the policy of the Board to retain and exercise full legislative authority and control over the schools by adopting general policies or by acting directly in matters not covered by its policies.
The executive function of the Board is concerned with placing in operation existing Board policy. Most of this function is delegated by the Board to its executive and administrative officer, the Superintendent.
The appraisal function involves the determination of the efficiency of the school operation and an evaluation of the educational program of the District based on the policies as outlined in the policy manual.
Contacting Board Members
Board members only have authority in a scheduled meeting where a quorum is present. Citizens contacting Board members outside of Board meetings about issues that have not gone through the chain of command place Board members in an awkward position. Since the Board is the final authority on all issues affecting the school district, their ability to make fair decisions is placed in jeopardy if they become involved in a conflict situation before it is brought to the Board through the chain of command.
Official communication between the Board and the community is subject to the following:
Any community member who exhausts the opportunity of discussing a matter at the administrative level may communicate with the Board in writing. No anonymous communication will be considered by the Board.
A member of the community who wishes to address the Board in person on agenda items may do so by following the procedures in Board Policy BEDH.
Official communications, policies, Board concerns and Board action, as appropriate, will be imparted to the community by the Superintendent.
Obtaining Answer to Your Questions
Anyone having questions about district operations, programs, policies, or personnel should contact the person responsible in the area of concern. If the problem is not resolved, the issue should be taken to the employee's supervisor. Individuals should only bring issues before the Superintendent or Board that have been unresolved by going through the chain of command. This procedure will provide a better means to insure fairness in resolving problems and conflicts.
If you have any questions, please contact the Superintendent, Mrs. Lauren Laws, at 505-334-9474