AMSD Foundation Paypal

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1118 W. Aztec Blvd., Aztec NM 87410
The Aztec Municipal School District Foundation is a 501(C)(3), non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to further the cultural and educational programs and purposes of the Aztec Municipal School District.
Mission Statement
The Aztec Municipal School District Foundation will raise and manage funds for the Aztec Municipal School District through a variety of defined fundraising and entrepreneurial activities and will provide identified services to enhance the programs and mission of the Aztec Municipal School District.
Current Board Members
President – Tracie Grace
Vice President – Vacant
Secretary – Vacant
Treasurer - Judy Englehart
Member – Nathan McClain
Member- Kristi Brooks
Member- Belinda Swope
Member- Patty Townley
Member-Cathy Cavin
Member-Rhonda Clow
Ways To Contribute
Email Us at
Financial Support – An unrestricted contribution allows us to address the greatest needs. Gifts can also be directed to support specific programs and services.
Sustaining Gifts – Commit through regular and automatic recurring charges to your credit or debit card at the frequency of your choice. Simply select “recurring gift” when you donate online via PayPal by clicking the link at the top left of this page.
Gifts of Stock – Receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of your stock gift along with an exemption from capital gains tax on shares that you have owned for at least one year.
Planned Gifts – A charitable bequest in your will helps to meet our mission. Additional planned giving options include:
Retirement Plans
Funds from retirement plans such as pension funds, 401ks, 403bs, and IRAs can be donated without paying any income and estate taxes.
Life Insurance
If you own a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for the protection of your family or for other purposes, you may use it to make a gift.
Financial Accounts
Talk to your bank or broker about how to gift funds from bank and brokerage accounts.
Memorial or Honorary Gifts – Celebrate the lives and achievements of special individuals by making gifts in their honor.