District Focus
In a safe, caring environment, we will partner with our community to improve learning for all students.
Become an exemplary school district which prepares our students to fulfill their highest potential.
Operational Values
The family is the primary influence in the development of the individual.
A common set of moral values and ethical principles are essential for the stability of any society.
Meaningful relationships are essential to an individual’s growth and development.
Open communication strengthens trust.
Purposeful collaboration inspires excellence for staff and students.
Effective Collaboration is based on trust, mutual respect, open and honest communication.
Sharing and implementing best practices is an important component of continuous improvement.
Everyone has worth and can make valuable contributions to society.
Each person is responsible for his or her own actions.
A strong work ethic is essential to personal success.
Knowledge and learning create opportunities and enhance quality of life.
A safe environment is essential to one’s ability to work and learn.
Education is a shared responsibility of our community.
Active participation in learning is the responsibility of each student.
Every individual can learn and must be held accountable to do so.
Frequent formative assessments are necessary to guide instruction, enrichment and intervention in order to ensure high levels of learning for all students.
Frequent monitoring of student learning is essential for improved student learning for all students.
Readiness to participate in the global economy requires a rigorous and relevant education.
Service to others builds community.
Strong partnerships between communities and schools are integral to educating students in the 21st century.
1. All schools will use Data driven Instruction to improve student learning.
a. Teachers will utilize Interim Assessments and Common Formative Assessments to document improved student learning.
b. Teachers will analyze data from district interim assessments.
c. Teachers will utilize a district approved Teacher Action Plan template to help guide interventions, enrichments and re-teaching for large group, small group and individual learning.
d. All students will receive a personalized education through the use of targeted intervention and enrichment.
2. All sites will use learner centered tier one instruction to improve learning for all students.
a. Grade level/departments will collaborate to design lesson plans following district pacing guides.
b. Grade level/department lesson plans will include the four part learning objectives.
c. All teachers will implement strategies that will increase the level of relevance and rigor of instruction.
d. Each instructor will provide quality instruction with a focus on small group instruction.
e. All teachers will continue to implement and increase collaborative learning in their classrooms.
f. Tier II interventions will be scheduled during the regular school day.
g. Coaching will be provided as needed for teachers.
3. Regular observation and feedback will be conducted and provided to help improve both the overall instruction and learning for teachers and students in the district.
a. The district approved walk-through form will be used by the principal at each site.
b. Principal will conduct at least one walk-through and give face to face feedback
c. All principals will utilized a tracker for walk-throughs
d. Administrative teams will analyze evaluation trackers each week and will use the information to plan targeted PD needs and future walk-throughs at their sites.
e. Coaching will be provided for teachers as needed.
4. In order to improve school culture all Aztec staff will build healthy relationships with students, all other staff, parents and community members.
a. There will be a continued focus on social/emotional well-being and safety to ensure that staff are equipped with the knowledge and support necessary.
b. All teachers will create, utilize and implement greeting plans with their students as they enter classrooms.
c. All sites will continue to implement and utilize the Sandy Hook Promise programs that foster a positive school culture and climate.
* Progress in meeting goals will be measured by tools such as:
i. Student feedback/surveys
ii. Continuous improvement tools
iii. Communication logs
iv. Classroom/ campus observations
v. Artifacts
vi. Site visits/School report outs
vii. Records of student intervention and enrichment
viii. Student data
ix. Teacher action plans
x. Lesson plan reviews
xi. 90 day plan progress
xii. Daily learning objectives embedded in instruction
xiii. Assessment results
xiv. Use of pacing guides and essential learning targets
xv. Vertically and horizontally aligned curricula
xvi. Review of the school safety folder located within the TERP network folder
xvii. Specific modeling

Relationships • Collaboration
Continuous Improvement
Focused Learning Every Day
Honesty • Integrity
Personal Responsibility
Ethics • Fairness
Data Driven Decision Making
CLASS (Collaboration, Leadership, Accountability for Student Success
Priority Schools Bureau
Teacher teams will develop common formative assessments that are aligned to the common cores and use them to communicate progress to students and parents on a frequent basis.
Site leadership will communicate expectations and direction that aligns to the District Strategic Plan
Intervention and enrichments will be targeted to student need and aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Students will be responsible for monitoring their learning, setting goals and collecting evidence of learning.
A data management system will be implemented to allow essential data to be collected and analyzed as part of improving student learning for all students.
Effective and frequent collaboration with parents will help ensure healthy relationships and satisfaction with families to assist with improving student learning.
Long range planning and budget development will be based on improving student learning for all students and staff.
Long range fiscal planning will be based on the specific needs of students so they can be prepared for the 21st century