Please join us on Tuesday, September 21st @ 5:30pm in the AHS Multi-purpose room for an ARP/ESSER III Consultation. AMSD will be going over the proposed plan for utilizing the states most recent ARP distribution and we would like to hear your input.
over 3 years ago, Aztec CTE
Please Join Us
Please see the following advertisement for the Board Candidate Community Forum on Monday, September 27, 2021 from 5:30PM to 6:30PM in the Aztec High School Multipurpose room.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture notifying of a community forum.
Children are going to hospitals at an increased rate due to rising COVID-19 transmission from the Delta variant, especially in communities with low vaccination rates. Below is a flyer from the NM DOH containing useful information for parents on steps to keep their student safe. Additionally, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has information that can be found here on steps you can take to keep your child safe:
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
A picture from NMDOH covering symptomology and best practices for parents to follow to protect children from COVID 19
We have had numerous questions about charging students for milk who bring lunch from home when the meal is free. The USDA reimburses Aztec Schools and the food service program for full meals served. There is no form of reimbursement for a carton of milk or other single items. The price for a carton is $.50 each. Since there is no cost reimbursement for a single item, we must continue to charge students for milk. We are not allowed to hand them out for free. We understand this may seem confusing, but it is a regulatory issue from USDA through the NM PED. Thank you for your understanding. ~~ Aztec Schools
over 3 years ago, Kathy Acrey
There is still time to register for the community vaccination clinic at AHS. Please see the attached flyer!
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Vaccination clinic Thursday Sept. 16 4 pm-6pm at Aztec High School Gym
Aztec Vaccination Clinic Flyer in Spanish vaccination on September 16 at AHS gym
COVID Testing is still available at no cost at Fred Cook Stadium.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
A picture of a map showing Fred Cook Stadium and providing details about testing included in the above text.
The AMSD and Curative still have free COVID Testing available at Fred Cook Stadium. Check out the attached flyer for more information.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
A picture of a map showing Fred Cook Stadium and providing details about testing included in the above text.
Don’t forget!
over 3 years ago, Jonathan Acrey
all schools closed for Labor Day
We want to thank Walmart and Timberline Church! Check out this amazing donation they dropped off today for our students and staff!
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Just a reminder that we our partners from Curative are available to help with COVID testing at Fred Cook Stadium.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture with a map of fredcook stadium, notes free COVID testing from every Wednesday and Friday from 7:00-3:00.
Important update on COVID testing for this week.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture showing change in testing schedule Curative will complete COVID testing on Wednesday only this week.
Important clarification from the PED regarding indoor athletics and activities.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Clarification that all indoor activities require masks.
AMSD has partnered with Curative to provide another COVID testing site in Aztec. We will offer testing at Fred Cook Stadium. To sign up simply follow this link: We hope this helps our community to have an additional and local testing option.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
A picture of a map showing Fred Cook Stadium and providing details about testing included in the above text.
Please do not forget that facemasks are required for all individuals in school buildings starting Friday, August 20.
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Picture of a facemask notifying families that Friday August 20 all masks must be worn.
Great news!
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Image stating, "Did you know all students in the AMSD will receive free breakfast and lunch this year!"
We’re thrilled to announce Aztec Municipal School District’s new app! It’s everything AMSD, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Image of the AMSD app
Great opportunity for breakfast and to meet our Tigers!
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Meet the tigers football flyer. On Saturday the 14th at 9:00 AM there is a pancake breakfast for 5 dollars per plate.
The AMSD will have online school options available to families who want to continue with online learning for students. Check out the flyer below for more information!
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Aztec academy flyer with AMSD logo, students on a computer, and a note to call 505-334-9474 extension 1017 for enrollment.
The New Mexico Public Education Department released updated guidance on COVID practices that school districts are required to follow. Please follow this link for a message from Superintendent Summers regarding the requirements : Below are links to NMPED's guidance: NMPED’s COVID-19 Response Toolkit for New Mexico’s Public Schools: NMPED’s Mask Guidance for PreK-12 Public Schools: NMPED’s Back to School FAQs SY 21-22:
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Dreher Robertson to the AMSD!
over 3 years ago, Aztec Municipal School District
AMSD announces Mr. Dreher Robertson as the principal for Vista Nueva High School. Picture includes photo of Mr. Robertson and notes that he previously worked at Big Picture High School. In Durango Co.